Aug 17, 2011

Despite the Heat

I put on my tennis shoes for the first time today since July 23rd and headed out the door at 6:30am for a two-mile power walk.  Why haven't I been walking?  I've been either traveling, on surgery and recovery duty for Charlie, and its been 108 degrees or more.  But today, at 6:30am, Dallas was a cool 89 degrees, so I seized the moment and went for a much needed walk.  It felt great to move my body.  It wasn't as easy as it was three weeks ago, but it wasn't too difficult either.  My muscle memory kicked right in and I could hear a little inner voice saying, "Yeah - let's do this!"

On the food front, I've been preparing lots of raw or partially raw meals for my family and for the most part, I've had no complaints.  I'm enjoying lots of yummy salad variations and cold summer soups.  Sometimes I have some ill-combined meals, but mostly, I'm sticking to the chart.  My husband just stepped on the scale last night and mentioned that he lost 6 pounds in the last month, largely based on the food shift in our home.  Yay for the hubs!

Walking it OFF!

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