Oct 10, 2011

Weigh In - Week 19

I had another stalled week where I ate out a few times and consumed a little more food and wine than I had planned.  I still ate healthy foods even though I was only partially eating raw.  I over did it on the wine and also enjoyed an evening out with my husband, which ended with a creamy coffee drink and a peanut butter cookie.  Ah well.

What does this mean for my weight?  This morning, I hopped on the scale expecting a slight gain.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had not gained or lost anything.  I was still holding steady for the second week in a row.  Why is this?  Perhaps its because I started walking again?  Perhaps its because I was still eating relatively healthy food and portions.  Whatever the reason, I'm grateful.  This week, I plan to kick my weight loss back into high gear.  Its back to my 80% raw meals and walking 5 days this week!  Here I go...  I'm starting right now.... I'm going...  see me going?

Pounds lost this week: 0
Total pounds lost: 32

The "I Did It" List
I took three 2-mile power walks this week.
I ran a mile during one of my walks.
I continued to make good food choices even though I was eating out a lot.
I drank more water than usual.

1 comment:

Kristin Gilbertson said...

good work. I am back on track too. after a couple weeks of a pity party. I'm down 3 and hoping to be down 30 as my final goal.

Its hard to eat well when you are eating out. I ate samples at the grocery store yesterday and was up a pound today! dumb.