Mar 29, 2012

Walking Again

I love going for a walk.  When I first began the Smaller Sarah journey, walking is what kicked it off.  I had no idea where to start, but I knew that if nothing else, I could at least head out the door and walk.  Since I started boot camp and running, I rarely take the time to walk anymore.  Its a shame, because I love walking. 

Enter Jessica.

Jessica is a doll.  She lives down the street from me and we recently ran into each other at a neighborhood social.  She is on her own "get healthy" journey and mentioned that she was looking for a walking partner.  Perfect!  So now, when the mood strikes (about twice a week), we leave our husbands to put the kids to bed after dinner and we head out the door together.  We walk for about 45 minutes, chatting the whole way and when we land back home we always think, "Wow - that went fast!"  So Jessica, thank you for getting me back into a walking habit.  Its a great way to change up the boot camp and running.  Plus, I get a quick dose of lively conversation and neighborly camaraderie.  What could be better?

1 comment:

SkinnyMeg said...

That's awesome!! Good and gab along with some exercise is a great idea!