Apr 2, 2012

Weigh In - Week 42

A quick weigh-in this morning...

I had a good week.  Ate well, exercised and had some fun too.  On Friday night, my walking partner, Jessica, pulled out a pair of bikes and suggested we do some cycling instead of walking.  Now, I haven't been on a bike for any length of time for 10 plus years.  I had a bike in Seattle for two seconds, but I never really rode it anywhere because the weather was always wrong or some other pathetic excuse I came up with.  But on Friday, we rode around the neighborhood like we were 10 years old.  It was a total blast riding at lightening speed along the creek trails and zooming past neighbor houses.  I definitely want to do THAT again.

Yesterday, I put my dear hubby on a plane for Spain!  He is in Barcelona for the next 15 days teaching and working at a theater.  In the meantime, I'm home enjoying some time with a long time friend of mine and her two amazing kids. 

Pounds lost this week: 2
Total pounds lost: 65

The "I Did It" List
three days of boot camp
two-mile power walk around the neighborhood
first bicycle ride in eleventy billion zillion years
ate lots of greens and fruit and water
bought another round of produce from Bountiful Baskets Co-Op
enjoyed frozen yogurt with my family at Pinkberry


SkinnyMeg said...

Yay for a great loss! I totally want a bike now that my daughter is old enough to ride one with me :) I may have to hit up craigslist!

anita said...

You amaze me!

Redfizz said...

Congrats on the 2-pound weight loss!

Positively Fit LH said...

I want to ride with y'all! I love riding like I'm 10. Sometimes, I even sing :)