Jun 5, 2011

Check In - Week 1

My goal is to do a weekly check-in every Sunday, weigh in and do a little assessment about the past week.  Thank you for all your comments, support and suggestions this week.  You are all awesome and I'm so glad that you're here in solidarity, cheering on my efforts! I've been on this journey for only five days and I can already tell that this blog is going to be an invaluable tool in helping me reach my goal. Thanks again for all your wonderful ideas and suggestions this week.  Keep them coming!

Pounds lost this week:  1

Total pounds lost: 1

The "I Did It" list:
bought walking shoes and a pedometer
power-walked everyday (9 miles)
ate more vegetables, fruits and grains
did NOT eat ice cream (this is a big one for me)
substituted water for most of my usual beverages


sarah. said...

You are doing it. You rock!

SkinnyMeg said...

great job, giving up ice cream is no small feat!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

Great job Sarah! You accomplished so much this week. I am beyond proud of you.

p.s. I bought those teeny bluebell ice cream cups as a "treat". It's too hot to not have ice cream sometimes.