Jul 12, 2011

I'm at Barf Weight

Sorry for the infrequent posting.  I'm visiting my mother in a rural town in Eastern Oregon and my internet access is limited to the public library, which is only open for four hours each day.  It's been a big week, visiting with famiy and trying to maintain my eating plan and walking regimen.  I've been taking it very easy, doing what I can and forgiving the little tresspasses.

I continue to walk most mornings and even some evenings.  I take a three mile power walk along a country road that looks over beautiful hay fields and up at the Wallowa Mountain Range.  I've put my iPod away for the time being, opting instead to listen to the rushing waters of nearby Eagle Creek and the buzzing insect and bird life as I walk.  I'm still eating mostly raw, well-combined meals and I've already dropped another pounds this week!  I haven't seen this weight since I got really sick three years ago from eating some bad brie cheese.  During the course of 12 hours every last drop of liquid evacuated my body and I lost a lot of weight.  Of course, it immediately came back on the following day.  But now, I'm actually at sick barf weight without barfing!  Marvelous!

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