Sep 18, 2011

Juice Fast - Day Two

I'm feeling surprisingly good.  This is my second day of only fresh veggie and fruit juice and I'm feeling light, energized and happy.  My mood is lifted and I have a slightly "high" feeling.  I feel nourished, satisfied and while I have moments of wanting solid food, it passes quickly when I turn my attention to other things.  Jack is feeling similarly.  He was a bit headache-y yesterday and was feeling tired mid day, but that seems to have passed.  I'll check back in again tomorrow, but so far so good!

Its 10pm on day two and its been a tough evening.  I was fine until about 4pm, then I started getting peckish and peavish and a little jittery.   I'm feeling a little better now, after a liter of water and the distraction of an episode of "Mad Men".  I'm curious to see how I feel tomorrow.


MaryJo said...

So glad to hear your raw food plan and juicing are going so well! I confess that the picture of your green drink didn't look that appetizing. Truthfully, how does it taste?
I haven't commented much but I'm following your journey faithfully!

Sarah Greenman said...

The green juice is good. It takes a little getting used to if you are usually drinking sweet juices - but its not bad. And now, after a month of drinking it, I kind of crave it in the mornings.