Oct 5, 2011


Today, I went out for a power walk.  I took my baby, popped him in a jogging stroller that we picked up second hand, and headed out the door.  I usually do a big loop around our neighborhood.  The first part is mostly downhill and the second half is uphill.  Since I was using a jogging stroller, I thought, "Hey - how about jogging for a change?"  So I did.  I ran the first half, which is almost a mile and then power walked the uphill portion until I got home.  It was the first time I've tried running since early July.  And all in all, it felt great.

On the iPod today? Mel Torme.


rustic rooster interiors said...

Thanks for the laugh... Not at you, but at the bottom picture. I feel like I look like that too! lol :)

Jacki said...

ooooh, running! I like running!