Jan 20, 2012


Sometimes, despite our best efforts, chaos ensues.  This week has been pure chaos for me.  I'm not mad or sad about it.  I have accepted the week and plan on moving forward after the weekend.  My sons and myself were all ill with ear infections.  My husband was out of town (still is) for the entire week on a business trip and I've been trying to keep my head above water.  And today, a dear neighbor took my four-year-old for the morning, while I took Charlie (17 months) for a brain MRI.  As most of you know, Charlie had a stroke in utero and the MRI is simply to look at the site of the bleed.  There's nothing like a pediatric hospital at 6am to finish off the week.

I have not eaten well.  I have not done much exercise.  And I'm not really worried about it.  This was a "do-what-you-have-to-do-to-get-by" kind of week and I haven't had a week like this in a long long time.  In fact they're quite rare.  So, I'll just clean up the mess at the end of the week and start anew on Monday with my beloved boot camp class and a detoxifying glass of freshly juiced greens.  Plus, I'm kind of excited to see what comes out of this blunder-bust of a week.  (See quote below.)


Connie said...

What a great quote. Just getting through the week was an amazing challenge. Just congratulate yourself and move along. ;-}

anita said...

I'm amazed by the fact you found the time and energy to write blog posts.
Hang in there!!