Sep 3, 2012

Weigh In - Week 65

Alrighty. This is it.  This is the phase I've dreaded since starting this process in June of 2011.  The doldrums.  I'm not losing any weight.  I'm off my game.  My schedule is all caddywompus and I am not feeling the push or motivation that has buoyed me through this entire past year.

It doesn't really matter why. What matters is that I turn this ship around.  I'm ready to find some wind, raise my sails and move.  Today was the end of my long summer travels.  I'm back from my brother-in-law's wedding (which was lovely) and my kiddo starts school this week.  No more setbacks.  Just juicing and boot camp and long walks and moderation and lots of water!

Weekly re-cap:

I've gained a pound this week.  Perhaps it was the amazing catered events I attended this weekend, which were always accompanied by cocktails and ended with dessert. Oh it was sinful! I also threw my hip out this weekend by lugging my 31 pound baby up stairwells and through airports and across busy streets and in heels no less!  So I'll be making an appointment with my chiropractor.  Oye.

And finally thank you to all of you who are still here reading even in the face of missing posts and silent weeks. I so appreciate your encouragement and faith in the process. You are a beautiful reminder to be in the "now" and to let up on the self-judgement pedal. Thank you!

Pounds gained this week: 1
Total pounds lost: 77

The "I Did It" List
traveled with my family to Seattle for a family wedding
slow danced with my husband
photographed two more homes for my freelance writing gig
paid off some credit cards (yay)

And here's a photo from the weekend taken by my mother-in-law. 
While I'm feeling stuck, I'm still feeling happy.
That beautiful man in blue is my husband
and that yummy looking sidecar cocktail on the table is MINE!



ECW74 said...

I have the doldrums too but am blaming it on the unrelenting heat. How can I run one more step in temperatures hovering around 100? I don't know but I need to figure it out soon.

Here's to a great week!

Jacki said...

ha! I gained 5 pounds over the weekend. I'm MAGIC! LOL!

Jacki said...

ha! I gained 5 pounds over the weekend. I'm MAGIC! LOL!

Connie said...

Go for it!! No time like the present. You will get right back in the swing of it. You look beautiful! And you deserve that cocktail!

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Sarah - Can you get that "back-to-school-allnewness" feeling to kick the doldrums? I feel like reinventing myself in positive ways when my kids go back to school after the long summer, even more than at New Years!

Keep going! You are fantastic and detemined, and you are an inspiration regardless of the number on the scale.


I just got back from a long vacation to find pantry moths had taken an even more hoppin vacation in my kitchen cabinets! I am channeling your earliest pantry posts to inspire me to make lemonade of this and get a new, clean, healthily organized pantry!

I even found out the little larval catepillars are great fish food to my kid's goldfish, which added an extra bonus to the clean up. And of course, the spoiled food went into the compost bin

And when th pantry's all clean I'll work on what foods need to go back, which foods should go away and what new healthy, nourishing and fulfilling foods will join the party...

anita said...

You are beautiful and living life to the fullest.
That's what it's all about, yes?

Carrie Symes said...

Yeah, I didn't do well this weekend either, but let's pick ourselves back up and get on moving towards our goals!! You are really doing great with such a busy summer that you had. Have a wonderful week Sarah!!!

Anonymous said...

Look forward to hearing how you will kick it up a notch!

You were asking about motivating songs for your workout playlist a while back and I just added a great one! We Come Running by Youngblood Hawke. Check it out!