Jul 6, 2011

Everything Can Change

I used to think that there were some things that would never change.  Granted, I'll always be Sarah and I'll always have a pointy nose and I'll always be tall.  But I used to think that in addition to my God given name, my mother's nose and my father's height I'd also always be on the fat side.  But that's not true.  Most things we tell ourselves have no basis in reality.  When I'm telling myself untruths about my body (or about anything, really) I ask myself these 4 simple questions:

Step 1 Is it true?

Step 2 Can you absolutely know that it's true?

Step 3 How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?

Who would you be without the thought?

By asking these questions, I'm usually able to obliterate the negative thought and learn that in fact the opposite of my negative thought is the truth.  Where did I get this awesome set of myth-busting questions?  Byron Katie.  You can read more about her and her work HERE.

This morning, after a lovely birthday evening with my husband which included a dirty martini, a glass of white wine, Alaskan crab legs and a beautiful array of vegetables, I went for a 2-mile power walk.  At first, my legs felt like peanut butter.  Everything in my body said, "Go home. You're not cut out for this."  But slowly, slowly, my brain took over and told my body to shut up and get moving.  Soon, I was flying around the neighborhood at a clipped pace with a smile.  Everything can change.

P.S.  Today was my last walk in Cedar City, Utah.  My husband's contract with the Shakespeare Festival is over today!  Tomorrow we drive to my Mama's home in Eastern Oregon where I plan to continue on my weight loss journey and I'll be sure to keep blogging as well!


Meagan @ Mommy to 5k said...

Good job powering through! The voices in my head can be my worst enemy.

So glad you had a lovely birthday evening. Sounds like everything was pretty amazing!

Good luck in Oregon! You can totally do it.

Appletree said...

I love this post

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully inspiring post, Sarah! You're doing so well! Safe travels to Oregon!