Feb 27, 2012

Weigh In - Week 37

I pigged out this week.  Really.  I was a little piggy.  I went to Jack in the Box, I had girl scout cookies, I had gelato with my son, I said yes to two doughnuts, I went on a date with my husband and had two beers and dessert to follow.  I did it all.  So when I stepped on the scale today, I was ready for a little weight gain.  But by some fluke, I still lost weight.  I lost 2 pounds this week!  What?  How is that even possible?

Maybe its possible because I still went to boot camp and ran on my own during the week.  Maybe its possible because my metabolism is revved up enough to continue burning even in the face of Krispy Kreme.  Well, whatever the reason, I'm grateful. 

Pounds lost this week: 2
Total pounds lost: 53

Do you remember back in September when I did a three day juice fast?  I really loved it and have been planning for some time to do another fast.  December and January were both amazing months filled with holidays and family.  This provided ample opportunity to eat rich foods and indulge my sweet tooth.  January also brought some difficult news pertaining to my son's stroke - an MRI that showed extensive brain damage.  I've been having a rough time trying to accept, process and embrace my feelings about Charlie's situation.  I think that a juice cleanse would help me to clarify both my body and my head.  I think it will be a great tool in creating space for new feelings and sensations to emerge.  I hope that makes sense...

Spring Juice Cleanse

So today I'm beginning a nine day juice cleanse.  Here is my juice cleanse schedule:
Day 1-2:   Green lemonade and water only
Day 3-7:   Green lemonade and water all day and a raw evening meal consisting mostly of greens
Day 8-9:   Green lemonade and water only

As I alluded to before, I have many goals for this juice cleanse:
1.  I want this cleanse to be a "re-set" button for my body and my mind.
2.  I want to re-teach my body how to eat and draw my mind's attention to portion control.
3.  I want to create some open brain space for creative impulses.
4.  I want to honor my feelings about Charlie's MRI results and move forward.
5.  Lastly, I want to drop some more weight and kick start the season with a full spring cleaning!

I know that a 9-day juice cleanse will seem extreme to some of my readers, but I had a great experience the first time and feel that this may be a productive way to transition out of winter and welcome the new season. Oh... and a special thank you to my friend Jessica, who is also doing a 9-day cleanse with me!  It's always nice to have a partner to keep you focused and motivated!  I'll keep you all updated over the next 9 days!  Wish me luck!

The "I Did It" List
I did 2.5 boot camp workouts ( I pooped out on Fri. due to lack of sleep)
I ran 2.5 miles on Sunday afternoon
I planned, prepared and served a raw meal to ten people
I met with a dear friend who will be joining me in my upcoming juice cleanse
during my down time on Saturday, I did sit ups while Walker played Legos
I helped one of my favorite clients and dear friends deliver her baby boy on Thursday night

1 comment:

Connie said...

You GO! I'm sending support from the coast.