May 12, 2012

Mother's Day Plans

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I have no plans.  With papa out of town working, it's going to be a quiet day.  At first I was feeling a little down about being on my own for Mother's Day, but now I'm feeling pretty lucky.  My kids love me, they need me and they trust me to be present and connected.  Tomorrow, we'll cuddle, eat yummy mommy-made treats, drink some green lemonade, call grandmas on the phone, play, sing and enjoy a Sunday together.  Perhaps we'll get out for an early morning walk or maybe I'll lead the kids through a kid-centered exercise routine with my new resistance bands.  What ever I do, I'll spend Mother's Day being a mother - a perfect way to spend "my" day.  What are your Mother's Day plans?


Connie said...

I will spend some time creating a beautiful place for my daughter and her family to enjoy this summer, when they visit.
Happy Mothers Day my darling girl.

Appletree said...

It was my first mother's day as a single mother. My kids gave me cards and a plant that the babysitter helped them plant. We were 20 minutes late for a family gathering, no one was bathed, and they ate junk food and fruit all day, not a single solid meal. I put them to bed dirty exhausted and happy. It was bliss.

JMedina said...

My daughter made all kinds of homemade love, cards, a book, a fridge magnet, and lots of hugs.

My son told me my present from him was that he was going to try to not argue with his sister for a whole week.

"Not for the rest of your life?", I asked.

"Don't push it, Mom."

Happy Mother's Day!